Site Visit: St. Joseph Catholic School, Vancouver, WA

April 7, 2020

Although the Fulcrum Ambassador Program has suspended site visits due to COVID-19, our ambassadors are eager to share their stories and personal reflections about their visits to our incredible Catholic schools.

St. Joseph School, Vancouver, WA
By Shelley Hovind

When I think back to our visit with St. Joseph School in Vancouver, I have two delightful and memorable moments that I will always picture! The first is walking into the pre-school classroom and seeing all the children sitting on the floor with their two teachers leading them in song. It was how they welcomed Fulcrum to their special area. As expected, the boys were kind of fussing and there was much giggling mixed in with the songs! The love and joy in that room was incredible!

The second memory is a group of 8th grade boys negotiating with Principal Mary Ellen LaRose about having a “casual dress” day. Her rapport with them was such fun to watch! She agreed but made it clear that casual dress didn’t include pajamas! She granted them their request, but made it clear that she was holding them responsible for being appropriate. There was such mutual respect, as well as fun, in that interchange!

Shelley Hovind is the Chair of the Ambassador Program and works closely with Stephanie Singler, Fulcrum Communications Manager. Shelley is currently working at home surrounded by barking dachshunds and can’t wait to get back to our schools!